The Back Story Of 2% PWD
I was born with cerebral palsy in 1962 to a poor Black family in Hartford, Connecticut. In 2023 I am a successful businessman residing in the Philippines. How? I learned by trial and error.
On August 15, 1985, the airplane touched down in San Diego with me on it. I had no money and no friends. I had a Masters’ degree. I went to CSCD, a disability group, where I met Jon Barbre. Jon assisted me in obtaining public assistance and housing. I sold life insurance for a year. Jon ordered me to go to law school.
I went to law school but was expelled for being absent. I returned and graduated in 1990. I failed the bar in 1990. I passed the bar in 1991.
In 1990, I had a 1-year-old child. I looked for a job for a year. No law firm would hire me. I had to start my firm or remain poor.
On August 3, 1991, I started a sole proprietorship without knowing what the hell I was doing and without any expert help, but I had DIC-U-AM. I was sued. I made no money. In 1995 I took a job with a disability group with a second child on the way. I quit my job and borrowed $19,000 from a person using a wheelchair. Three years later, I bought a home and started having tax and state Bar problems.
In 2007 I was divorced. In 2009 I owed $300,000 in taxes. In 2010 my home was lost to foreclosure. On September 21, 2012, I was disbarred.
In 2011 I started a legal assistant business with my second wife. In 2015 I started a disability corporation. In 2023 my wife and I own six properties.
I learned the Laws in this book by failing. In the 1980s, there were no tools or books for entrepreneurs with disabilities except for a United Nations book. Even in 2023, there is very little on the topic. The Laws were designed for entrepreneurs with disabilities to avoid my failures.
I knew disability hate from a distance in Connecticut, mostly from stares. I was the gifted poor Black boy with cerebral palsy. The Jamaicans accepted me as my father was one. I was the smartest Crip in New Britain Memorial Hospital. My friends were intelligent kids of European and African descendants. In college, I was the President of a student group.
My White friends taught me rules applied to the non-rich. Exceptions applied to the rich or intelligent folks. They taught me how to fit within an exception or create one. I was shielded from disability hate.
My experience with disability hate commenced in 1985 when I moved to San Diego. The hatred was based on socioeconomic status: the poorer, the more hostility. I had no clue. I was the Golden boy.
I was robbed four times. I was discriminated against by all except educated people.
On September 11, 2009, I moved to Carmona, Philippines. King Philip of Spain perfectly programmed 99% of the inhabitants' subconscious minds to be reactionary, presumptive, and impacted by negative emotions. Disability hate permeates this society cloaked by religious dogma. Nature guided me to Carmona to break me, then rebuild me. In Carmona, I am surrounded by fear, anger, and ignorance. The breeding ground of disability hate.
In 1975 Todd Kilroy, a crippled, taught me how to go to the bathroom; I was 13 years old. Also, unknown to crippled me, Todd taught me an FDR rule: Never depend upon family or friends for help with your condition for more than a week unless they are a student because such relationships lead to hate. Until 2000 I followed this rule, then I violated it.
Another crippled, Tony Zeaca, in 1975, taught me to be mean and feared, not loved. Until recently, I completely ignored this crippled rule.
Violating these rules made me hated. Minorities hate me the most because I act like a boss, but I am a fucking crippled in their mind. I decided to study why this is so.